Question of the day.

What kind of shows do you like to watch?

My answer:

Well, like with films, I don’t watch a lot, I just don’t watch a lot of TV in general. But if I do, they’re often some documentaries about stuff that interests me, sometimes talk shows but they have to be really interesting, and sometimes talent shows though I used to much more in the past, now I just can’t really take them seriously and they often feel very cringey. I do sometimes listen to some music from people who have become famous or at least more widely known thanks to some talent show and yes there are some really fabulously talented people but the vast majority is oh so bland, and just the way all those talent shows work is somehow off-putting to me.

How about you? 🙂

Question of the day.

Have you watched any really good TV shows lately? What were they?

My answer:

Nope, I actually haven’t watched TV in weeks now. The only thing I watch pretty regularly for linguistic purposes is Welsh series called “Rownd A Rownd”, but practically it’s not TV as I watch it on my computer. But other than that if I watch TV, it’s either for social reasons – I watch it with my Mum and we talk about stuff, drink something, have snacks and not always actually focus on what we watch, or because I really like it and find it interesting while at the same time haven’t anything better to do, which happens very very rarely.

How about you?