Question of the day.

Share a link to a music video you think is great (not necessarily a great song but visual a very good video).

My answer:

Well I’m certainly not an expert at music videos (he he he), but I’ve been told this one is good. This singer – Kayah – was for a long time my Mum’s favourite female vocalist – my Mum likes kinda androgynous female singers, or black singers, like Sade for example, other than that she only listens to male vocalists, maybe because she herself is kinda tomboy. This woman is a very popular Polish celebrity, but sometime ago she started to come out with her views which were glaringly contrasting to my Mum’s, and so she doesn’t like her so much now anymore. But she watched this video and she says it’s beautiful and from what she told me it really seems so. When she showed it to me yesterday I got an impression it has a sorta pagan feel, on which my Mum agreed with me, today I realised it was purposeful to make it feel pagan, but it’s not too pagan as for my standards, like there’s nothing literally refering to any culture/religion or anything. It’s just about the relationship of the human with the nature, unity of a woman and a man, which are natural, beautiful and obvious things. You can also feel some old Slavic influences, I guess they were inspired by Slavic mythology or something. The guy who directed this is one of the directors of The Witcher, the composer of the song is atanas Valkov who is a Polish music producer, multiinstrumentalist and composer of Bulgarian descent. The song is called Czarna Polana (Black Glade). I think it sounds fantastic and the overall effect must be indeed beautiful.

I thought I’d translate the lyrics as they’re fairly easy so you’d get some idea what it’s about, although I’m sorry if it’s not quite the best stylistically:

   I am close

You do not have to be afraid anymore

You will find everything in me.

Because that is how much I can give.

When you are close

The world does not scare me

And when you give me your hand

It will become a whole.

I am nowhere without you

You are nowhere without me

I am nowhere without you, no

I am nowhere without you

You are nowhere without me

I am nowhere without you, no.

Always close

no need to be afraid anymore

You and me are one

As long as the life is lasting.


I am nowhere without you

You are nowhere without me

I am nowhere without you, no

I am nowhere without you

You are nowhere without me

I am nowhere without you, no

I am nowhere without you

You are nowhere without me

I am nowhere without you, no

I am nowhere without you

You are nowhere without me

I am nowhere without you, no.

I am close

You do not have to be afraid anymore

You will find everything in me

Because that is how much I can give.

When you are close

The world does not scare me

And when you give me your hand

It will become a whole. Yours? 🙂

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