Question of the day (29th December).

Would you take a bullet for someone in your life?

My answer:

If there was an actual reason for that – absolutely yes! – I don’t like when people make such foolish declarations “I love you so much that I could die for you” when there is totally no need for such radical acts, and even less so for empty words like that. But if someone I loved a lot, like my Mum or anyone in my close family or my online friends, or perhaps even Misha (although why would anyone want to kill or shoot Misha, and who would be capable of doing this, I have no clue? The only reason I can think of why someone might even consider that is if they somehow really hated me passionately for some reason and were desperate to make me miserable, and I am not aware of having such desperate enemies) or maybe even people whom I not necessarily love but who are somehow important to me and who I care about, or whose life I think is very important, if any of them were in danger where their life could be at risk, and my death could make the situation better in any way, then hell yeah, I’d do that, although it surely would be scary. I think it wouldn’t be quite as scary though as living the rest of my life with a consciousness that I could help save the life of someone who was dear to me in some way or who needed it, but did not do that. It would be more difficult if it was a shot that would only impair me in some way, as that would have some longer consequences for me and I’m not sure how I’d deal with that my whole life, but I’d try to think about how I was able to help someone through that and I suppose that would be at least a bit of comfort for me to know that I somehow helped their cause. My Mum recently asked me what would I feel like living in a country where Christians are persecuted in a major way, where their lives may be in danger because of their faith, and how I’d feel like about giving my life up for Christ, because she read a book about Christians in muslim countries and that made her think about it hard. Now this is such a difficult thing to think about. When you read about the martyrs in ancient Rome for example, and the ways they were tortured, I’m really not sure I would be able to deal with that and keep being faithful. On the other hand, it’s not really these people’s merrit entirely that they were strong and brave enough to go through it but they were supported by God’s grace, I don’t think anyone would willfully agree to such suffering and not give in at some point without some help. But I think I would at least try my best if I was in such a situation and try to have as much courage as possible. And in the case of this question, if I was in such a situation that I would have to take a bullet for Christ, I feel that would be easier than the fancy tortures people had to endure ages ago, so I would take the risk, I think.

How about you? 🙂

13 thoughts on “Question of the day (29th December).”

  1. Yes, definitely for my daughter. Also anyone in her immediate family because she would be devastated if she lost one of them. My mom I would think twice only because she is 70 already. My brother? No friggin’ way!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have absolutely no idea! 😮 Weirdness. I’d probably run like a coward, if we’re being totally honest here! 😀 I wish I could say otherwise, but… I don’t see myself taking a bullet! 😀 Oh well.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. HA HA H AHA! Oh no!! Bless you!! 😀 But don’t worry!! At the start of every year, I pray to God to prevent you from vomiting!! It’s worked so far!! YAY!!

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Hahahahahaaa really?! 😀 Now you’ve made my day! Thanks so much for keeping me in your prayers, it’s hugely appreciated. 🙂 They sure must be working, along with all the other things I do in order not to ever vomit. 🤣

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