Adwaith – “Mwy” (More).

Hey people! 🙂 


Today I’d like to share a new song from Adwaith, it came out last week. They are a very successful Welsh-language girls band from Carmarthen in southwest Wales. The fact that they are a girls band feels important, despite I’m aware that one of them has said that they didn’t really think of themselves specifically as such when starting the band and didn’t go into it with the mission of being a girls band, but since people were stressing that a lot when talking about them, they soon realised that really are relatively few women on the Welsh music scene. They are also actively involved in promoting women in Welsh music.


“Adwaith” means “reaction” in Welsh. According to the members, one of their mums asked what the word “reaction” is in Welsh and they ended up thinking that would be a great name for a band. They make indie pop/rock/post-punk music. The group consists of Hollie Singer (vocals and guitar), Gwenllian Anthony (bass, keys and mandolin) and Heledd Owen (drums). Hollie and Gwenllian were friends since early childhood and formed the band together and Heledd joined later. 


I don’t remember exactly now but I think I first heard them on Cymru FM (which is not to be confused with BBC Radio Cymru; Cymru FM is an online radio station which for the most part just plays music). In any case it was summer 2018 because I remember I first heard them around the time when I found out I failed my high school final exams. 😀 Until now, they have released two full-length albums and played in many different countries. 


This very energetic song is a single from their upcoming third album, which is going to be a double record and said to be their most ambitious release so far. It sounds very exciting and I’m really looking forward to it. Hollie Singer said that this song is about a reconnection with one’s homeland and finding a sense of belonging. 


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