Friendly Fill-ins.

I discovered this great challenge hosted by 15 And Meowing

and MCGuffy’s Reader

not so long ago and thought I’ll participate in it this week.

So, here goes:

1. When I am nervous, I…. feel cold shaky, bite my nails/lips, have nausea. It depends on how nervous I am, but usually even when I’m just a bit nervous, I won’t eat anything.

2. When I am angry, I… usually won’t let other people know about it, unless I’m like raging and physically can’t hold it inside any longer. It also happens that I cry or feel like crying. And honestly I don’t like it ’cause then I feel like I can’t cope with it, but on the other hand I don’t get angry very easily and even if I get angry, it usually doesn’t last very long, although can be intense for me. Since I have trouble letting out my emotions, it still happens sometimes that I self harm because of anger, but now it’s rather rarely.

3. Today, I know for sure… that Zofijka won’t take part in her volleyball tournament today. She plays volleyball and we thought she’d play today, but yesterday she fell over at school and her knees hurt a lot and are bruised, so she just went there as a supporter.

4. For St. Patrick’s Day, I… am listening to a lot of Irish music in my green room.


4 thoughts on “Friendly Fill-ins.”

  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I cry when angry too. I am sorry that Zofijka couldn’t participate, I hope she heals quickly. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My pleasure. 🙂 I think she’s healing very quickly, she says she feels good enough to even go to the swimming pool today as she always does on Sundays, but won’t, Mum thinks she needs to heal completely, and I think so too, but it’s good she’s again her energetic, lively self. Thanks. 🙂 Hope you also had a good St. Patrick’s Day. 🙂


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