Question of the day.

Hey people! 🙂 


What is the last thing you took a picture of? 


My answer: 


I guess it’s not necessarily true of all blind people despite what you might think, but I’m really crappy at taking pictures, I can rarely make a decent one. So the result is that I don’t take very many. Even now in the era of aI, when we have GPT 4 which can describe images better and with more detail than anything else could before and I’ve heard several blind people say that it has resulted in them taking a whole lot more photos than they used to, I still don’t do it very much because my pics often are too bad quality, but also because I live with sighted people, so I can just ask a fellow human if I need to know what’s written somewhere or how something looks etc. unless they’re away. Instead, most often the way I use AI with images these days is for describing stuff online, solely out of curiosity because I want to know what something looks like, or sometimes I send screenshots to it, rather than for daily life necessities. That just makes more sense in my life situation. However, sometimes fellow humans are indeed away and I need assistance with something right this very minute, and I think the last such time was when I was upgrading my Mac from Ventura to Sonoma. I’ve had my Mac for almost two years so I’d only experienced one major system upgrade prior to that, and when upgrading to Sonoma it seemed to me like it was taking absolute ages. And I don’t remember now what exactly happened, but I guess either VoiceOver – Apple’s built-in screen reader – didn’t turn on for me while installing the upgrade, or it wouldn’t let me access the progress bar, so given how long it was taking I started to freak out that perhaps it got stuck or something went wrong and I’d have to recover it from a backup, which wouldn’t be the end of the world because I did have a backup of course and I more or less knew how to do it but I never did it before so it would feel just slightly scary. – The only human that was at home was my Dad, but he is as clueless about technology as it is possible, and even more clueless about Mac computers as it seems because every time I would want to show him something, he’d look somewhere completely different on the screen (like the menu or whatever) and insist that he didn’t see what I was telling him he should, although with Apple’s operating systems there’s generally quite a disconnect between how VoiceOver presents things and how they actually look visually on the screen so that may’ve been part of the problem as well. Anyway, I just didn’t trust him that he’d be able to do even such a simple thing as tell me if the thing was actually progressing. So I took a pic of the screen and showed it to GPT, but it said it was too blurry and only recognised the Apple logo. I took another pic, and another, but still not much more success, but after several trials it finally worked out and it told me where the update was. So after some five minutes I took another pic and it told me that it has moved. It indeed was progressing at a snail’s pace, but it was progress, nevertheless, so I didn’t have to worry. So I think that was the last picture that I took. Not very interesting at all. 


How about you? 🙂